This is a great and insightful article written by my dad. Well worth your time reading.
A Christian Perspective on the Election
At this point after the election the biblical perspective on
it is still vague and a more cogent and clearer response is needed. The Christian perspective on the results of
the election is being missed by most but it is important and should be clearly
explained because the Christian view is not just another subjective,
weak-minded opinion but a foundational concern.
The Christian view has been caricatured and misrepresented as insignificant
and meaningless. Neal Boortz, for
example, insults those expressing Christian views by calling them “turbo
Christians.” Sometimes Christians
themselves have cultivated this misconception.
Thus, public dialogue has exploited this misrepresentation of
Christianity and the result is serious…the gospel message appears meaningless
and shallow. However, a biblical
perspective on matters of politics is not only relevant but is one that
provides objective meaningfulness to all matters of political debate.
First, it must be understood that the strength of a
government is borne out of the moral principles which undergird it. Conversely, a weak government is one which
rests on weak moral principles. The
reason the civil government of the United States has endured and has been so
resilient is because of the moral foundation upon which it rests. Thus, the reason we should be concerned for
the United States at this point in history is not because of the political
direction which it has now turned but the moral principles which this political
force seems to embrace.
Before continuing, the question about whether the United
States is a Christian nation is a silly one but one that has to be addressed in
order to understand the truth of the Christian perspective. Claims that attention be drawn to moral
matters are not the same as an attempt to make our country a theocracy. The level of argumentation that concludes
that Christians want to make this a theocracy by people like Neal Boortz is naive
and “for entertainment purposes only.”
Moral principles are the heart of any political discussion but talking
about them openly is almost completely censored. So, most political talk today is only about
peripheral issues and the foundations of political points of view, which are
really all that matter, are avoided and dismissed by straw man arguments, ad
hominem arguments, hasty generalizations or some other logical fallacy.
However, it is precisely in understanding the moral
principles of this government that real progress can be made in answering the
political questions before us today. For
example, the discussion about gay marriage seems to hover around the periphery
of the issue. Can gay couples make just
as good or better parents than straight couples? That is irrelevant in this debate. The real issue is a choice between accepting
the objective truth about what God has said about marriage or replacing it by a
subjective truth of consensus developed by man.
The more debates like this orbit around the foundations of what, how and
why people believe what they believe the more intellectually weak we become as
a culture and the weaker our government is.
A foremost example of the misapplication of Christian
principles and precepts is the dependence on government that many “Christians”
cultivate. Also, an incorrect Christian
response to the “moocher” problem is to ignore it or not identify it for what
it is. It took the atheist Ayn Rand to
highlight this problem and the Christian response has been unclear and
vague. Dependency on government by
“moochers” and absconding with tax dollars by “looters” is not at all
biblical. The biblical response to this
is clear: being dependent on government
and taxing others to feed this dependency is a “basic principle of the world”
that is simply sinful. A philosophy such
as this cultivates the lordship of government and thus, opposes and hinders
lordship to Jesus Christ. The foundation
of such a mindset enfeebles the Christian message and should be strongly
opposed by Christians. Instead,
substantive response to this problem is missing from Christians because what
the Bible says about problems like this is ignored and public debate rarely
goes that deep.
So, it is not issues like the “moocher” problem, abortion,
gay marriage, etc. that the Christian is concerned with as much as it is the
moral reference points that are used to support and promote these issues. The Christian is only “answering a fool
according to his folly” by arguing on the surface of issues. Rather, these debates must be turned
vertical, that is, directing them to the moral principles that undergird
them. If the Christian perspective
loses objective truth as its reference point, then it loses its importance and
relevance. Therefore, a Christian
perspective that focuses only on peripheral, subjective truth is irrelevant not
only to civil society but to the God Christians serve.
Tom Carpenter
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